Quetzo is a registered psychotherapist and counsellor in good standing with the BC College of Social Workers, and BC Association of Social Workers.
Quetzo provides therapy in private practice to a broad community in Vancouver.
Beyond academic graduate work, she has completed extensive training and certification in EMDR, Narrative Therapy, Somatic (body-based) Psychotherapy, Response-Based, CBT, DBT, EFFT, and AEDP. She has studied earth-based, underworld guiding with Animas Valley Institute. Her approach in therapy is integrationist, meaning she works with a variety of modalities. Quetzo is informed by the principles of somatic psychology, interpersonal neurobiology and nervous system regulation, attachment theory, and mindfulness practices.
Working as a therapist for 15 years
Quetzo operates a private practice in Vancouver and the lower mainland. Quetzo completed a Master of Social Work at the University of Victoria, and has a degree in Somatic and Transpersonal Counseling Psychology from Naropa University in Boulder Colorado. She teaches and supervises graduate level counselling students at CityU in Vancouver in the Masters of Counselling program, and consults with various EDI (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) departments and committees throughout the province developing and implementing policy and practice.
Experienced helping people with
Methods and approaches
20 years working in mental health, social resilience and community
- Therapy Clinician, BC Children’s and and Women’s Hospital, Inpatient Mental Health
- Individual and Family Therapist at Looking Glass Residence
- Counselling Team Lead at Galiano Refugee Project
- Participatory Action Researcher at Raincity’s LGBTQ2S+ Housing Project
- Prevention Educator Alliance coordinator →
- Worked with young men in jail and the foster care system
- Facilitates workshops and experiential education on various topics: sexualized violence, gender variance, inclusivity, and sex-positivity; eating disorders, somatic mental health resilience; and the Work That Reconnects
- Worked as the director of the Anti Violence Project (AVP) in Victoria
- Worked as a therapist, crisis responder, and educator at the Victoria Sexual Assault Center
- Quetzo at Harm Seduction →
- Worked as photojournalist at the Denver Post